
class aiowamp.AuthMethodABC[source]

Abstract auth method.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__ Initialize self.
authenticate(challenge) Generate an authenticate message for the challenge.
check_welcome(welcome) Check the welcome message sent by the router.


auth_extra Additional auth extras that need to be passed along.
requires_auth_id Whether the auth method requires auth_id to be set.
method_name = None

Name of the auth method.


Return str(self).

Return type:str

Whether the auth method requires auth_id to be set.

Return type:bool

Additional auth extras that need to be passed along.

None indicates that no extras need to be passed.

Return type:Optional[Dict[str, ForwardRef]]

Generate an authenticate message for the challenge.

Parameters:challenge (Challenge) – Challenge message to respond to.
Return type:Union[Authenticate, Abort]
Returns:Either an authenticate message to send to the router or an abort message to indicate that the attempt should be aborted.
Raises:Exception – When something goes wrong during authentication. Should be interpreted the same as an abort message.

Check the welcome message sent by the router.

Used to perform mutual authentication.

Parameters:welcome (Welcome) – Welcome message sent by the router.
Return type:None